14/12/17 The global electric vehicle power sources market totaled roughly $11.9 billion in 2013 at the manufacturers' level. This market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.1% between 2014 and 2019 under a consensus scenario. This will result in nearly $12.4 billion in 2014 and $20.9 billion global market in 2019.
14/11/24 汽车电子产业是将电子信息技术应用到汽车上所形成的产业。从应用层面来看,汽车电子可以分为引擎/传动系统、底盘系统、车身系统、车载通讯与通信系统、安全系统等。
14/11/24 降低温室气体排放和减少对石油的依赖程度是全人类的共识,电动汽车可以作为有效降低碳排放工具的理念已经被广泛认可,全球各国都在推广电动汽车。 电动汽车需要充电站为其进行能源补充,推广新能源汽车必然需要一定数量的充电站进行配套;而充电站等充电设施是电动汽车发展的硬件条件,完善的充电站配套设施是电动汽车能否大规模推广的关键。所以电动汽车和充电设施之间是相辅相成的,二者缺一不可。
14/11/24 2013年随着商用车产量增长,车用柴油机市场有所回暖,全年产量完成356.3万台,同比上涨7.3%,但2013年总产量仍低于2010年的393.6万台和2011年的359.0万台。2014年1-2月,中国车用柴油机产量648467台,较2013年同期增长8.2%。
14/11/21 2013年全球燃料电池出货量为215.3MWh,其中大型固定式(Stationary)燃料电池电站出货量占比最大,约为187MW。大型的燃料电池电站应用主要集中在美国、韩国和日本,主要应用于发电、热电联产、IT数据中心等。
14/06/12 This report covers stationary and mobile applications of fuel cells in addition to hydrogen infrastructure and delivery. The report addresses existing markets for fuel cells, providing current market sizes in addition to forecasts of growth for these and emerging application areas. It provides a description and analysis of the current technology choices as well as the latest R&D. In particular, we cover the value proposition, price and pricing trends for each application.
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